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Team Members Participate in Paintfest

August 11, 2015

ICCU Team members holding paintbrushes and rollers during Paintfest.

Since it’s inception in 1987,  Portneuf Valley Paintfest has painted over 600 homes for qualified senior citizens, coordinated thousands of volunteer hours and raised sponsorship dollars to support this effort. The paint and labor are all provided to the homeowner at no cost to them.

This year, Idaho Central Credit Union painted a large home and donated $1,000 to the program. Not only did the team paint the home, they also helped with landscaping and weeding. Katie Blankenship, a co-captain for ICCU stated, “many hands make light work,” which was no understatement. Over one hundred ICCU Green Team members, along with their families and friends contributed hundreds of volunteer hours to finish painting the house in just five days.

When asked about her thoughts on Paintfest, Blankenship said, “We made a connection with a member of our community by offering our time and work ethic. Throughout the week the homeowner watched us paint, chatted with us, and thanked us repeatedly for our effort. I believe that these little acts, good deeds, or whatever you want to call them, lead to meaningful, loving connections, and those connections are what make the world a better place.”