Financial Literacy

  • Financial Education

    September 28, 2023

    What Scammers Don’t Want You to Know

    In many ways, the world’s progress has never been better. Every year we make strides in civics, technology, information, and nameless other realms. We truly have more resources at our fingertips than ever before. Some use those resources for good. Others … not so much. Don’t let others’ misuse affect your life. Scammers might be […]

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  • Community

    August 2, 2023

    Students are Taking Off Their Financial Training Wheels

    Written by an ICCU team member At what age did you know what a good credit score was? For Kevin Sumter, Chief Revenue Officer at Stukent, it was around 25, when he tried to buy his first car. For me personally, it was at 20, when I started my first job in the finance industry […]

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